My chicken days are Monday and Thursday, and sometimes in between. A long time ago, at least 20 years, I came up with a system of grocery shopping and meal planning. It's not rigid by any standards, but it helps me so much. Back then, I had two small children, and a sailor husband. Grocery shopping was twice a month at the commissary on a military paycheck. Above all, I had to plan, plan, plan ahead with very little time and money. I had to be resourceful, running to Farm Fresh or Food Lion every day or so was not an option with two active little boys in the heat of the tidewater Virginia summer. We had important pool and beach time to attend! Somehow this system evolved, so here we go....
Sunday is pasta day...usually ground beef, pork, sausage, or chicken as the main ingredient
Tuesday-meat! meat as in pot roast, pork chops, round steak, etc.
Wednesday-something with hamburger like tacos, chili, etc.
Thursday-chicken dish again
Friday-day off, usually pizza or seafood ( sometimes I will make seafood at home)
Saturday-burgers or steaks
This is a very loose system, but I find it easy to use when I'm shopping and cooking. I still only shop once or twice a month, with only quick trips for milk, lunch meat, or an ingredient or two I have forgotten.
Back to today. I will be making something with boneless skinless chicken breasts, grilled chicken caesar salad for those of us on a diet, then for the 2 younger boys, a rice krispie or cap'n crunch baked chicken ( just dip the chicken pieces in melted butter, then in crushed cereal, bake in a foil lined baking dish at 375 for an hour), served with buttered pasta and broccoli.
This meal gives me some time off to get some laundry done. We still have plenty of Christmas cookies in tins out in the frosty garage, so I won't be making any snacks today. Maybe I will go to Marshall's, I haven't been in weeks, and I gotta feeling there are some bargains to be had! Speaking of bargains, I thought I got the deal of the new year the other day at wally world. A whole stack of Conair Home Spa Kits for Hands and Feet were on an endcap on clearance for $14.50, originally $29.90. "Wow, what a deal", I thought. At the checkout, it rang up $7.25! yesss, even better... That night I opened it up, and tried the foot spa....kind of disappointing I must say. I used hot water, and it kept it hot, but the bubbling massage jets were uneventful. My regular pink hospital issue basin filled with epsom salt suits me just fine. I've yet to try the hand paraffin wax dipper, because it takes 2 hours to heat the paraffin. It's a good thing it was only $7.25...just sayin'...
I thought I edited my post pretty well... a few mistakes, but bear with me, as I'm new to this...thanks!