I've been a blog lurker for several years, and since then I wanted to do it! I like to read about your life, and I have much to say about mine. I'm pretty sure my Facebook friends are getting tired of my endless status updates, so basically I wanted a more creative outlet. Me, me, me I guess to some extent, but I feel we have so much to learn from each other!
Secondly, my blog is not so much a cooking or foodie blog, because above all I am not a food snob. I have been busy for the past 28 years raising 4 boys and moving all around the East coast with my Coast Guard officer husband. I'm just writing about what we eat every day. I like to cook, but sometimes, quite frankly, it's a chore to get a meal on the table, healthy or otherwise. In my travels, I have met many families who struggle with this too. It’s not that we don’t all value meal time, it’s just that everyone seems to be so busy. I strongly believe that family meal time is very important. So, sitting down to a simply prepared meal at the family dinner table can be worth so much more than a gourmet dinner at a five star restaurant. It’s cheaper too!
When I got married at the very young age of 19, I knew how to make spaghetti and instant rice and open up a can of chicken chow mein. Then, my mom gave me a brand new copy of Betty Crocker's cookbook. From that book I learned how to cook everything, it's now held together with duct tape.
Lastly, I hope you'll follow along as I contemplate "Mom, what are we having?" this year. We eat meat, snacks, drink soda, and occasionally eat out. But we eat mostly healthy meals together, as a family.
the pic is of the Blue Moon at sunrise this morning 6:50am